Terms and Conditions

General conditions of use Autos Colonia S.L.

A: Vehicle Condition

  1. The Lessee shall be obliged to treat the vehicle properly and with due care and to comply with all instructions and technical regulations relating to its use.

  2. The vehicle is handed over to Lessee with an empty petrol tank. Lessee shall return the vehicle also with an empty tank. Upon request by Lessee, the vehicle can be handed over with a tank filled to the value of 20€ or 40€.

B: Bookings

  1. Bookings are binding for price groups and not for vehicle types.

  2. Takeover and return of the vehicle: airport PMI and/or office Colonia St. Jordi (office rental hours: 9.00 – 20.00 = 1 rental day) (airport rental hours: 24h regulation). For online bookings, in both cases the 24h regulation is applied.

  3. For bookings with takeover and/or return at the airport for less than 6 rental days, a supplement is charged.

  4. Rental vehicles provided at the airport PMI must be paid for in advance via bank transfer or statement of a credit card number and expiry date. Payment transactions cannot be made at the airport.

  5. Existing bookings cannot be cancelled in order to benefit from discount campaigns.

  6. If Lessee fails to collect the vehicle at the latest up to 2 hours after the agreed time and to inform Lessor of any possible delays, the booking shall no longer be binding.

C: Documents to be Presented when Collecting the Vehicle, Authorised Drivers

  1. When collecting the vehicle, Lessee must present a valid driving licence for the country as well as personal ID or passport. If lessee cannot present the required documents, Lessor will rescind from the rental contract. In this case, any non-fulfilment claims by Lessee shall be excluded.

  2. Prerequisite for renting the vehicle is a minimum age of 23 years, as well as possession of a driving licence for at least 3 years. The Ford Mustang is an exception: minimum age 25 years and driving licence for 3 years.

  3. Taking out a fully comprehensive insurance with an excess waiver from age 25 with a driving licence for 3 years for all vehicle types.

  4. The vehicle shall only be driven by Lessee or by additional drivers stated in the rental contract. The driving licences of additional drivers are to be presented when collecting the vehicle.

  5. Lessee shall also be responsible for the actions of any additional drivers.

  6. The vehicle must not be used for onward leasing, the commercial transport of persons, nor for transporting hazardous goods or substances.

  7. The vehicle may only be driven on the island of Majorca.

D: Payment Terms/Security Deposit

  1. The rental price incl. all fees and applicable VAT for the agreed rental period is to be paid in full at handover of the vehicle. If this takes place at the airport, the payment must be made before handover. In the case of onlinereservations the amount is immediately debited from the creditcard.

  2. A security deposit is generally not required. Exception: Ford Mustang, for which it corresponds to the amount to the excess of 500€ that cannot be waived.

  3. For bookings of a fully comprehensive insurance with an excess, the credit card number of Lessee and the expiry date will be noted or requested later in case of online bookings. Alternatively, the tenant can note the credit card number and expiry date in the "Remarks" field on the booking screen. In the event of damages with a fully comprehensive insurance with an excess, Lessee shall be obliged to report the damage immediately. Lessee will be provided with a cost estimate and an invoice for the repairs required and authorise Autos Colonia to debit the respective sum from its credit card.

  4. In case of late vehicle collection or premature return, rental fees shall not be reimbursed.

  5. If Lessee is in default with payment of the rental fee, Lessor shall be entitled to terminate the rental contract without prior notice and with immediate effect.

E: Cancellation

  1. Cancellation up to 3 days before commencement of the rental period shall be free of charge; thereafter 50% of the rental fee shall be due.

  2. Lessee shall request cancellation in writing (stating its booking number) by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

F: Insurance

  1. The rental price includes a third-party liability insurance with a coverage sum up to 50,000,000.00€ for personal and property damages, accident insurance for the driver and material damages. The rental price includes a fully comprehensive insurance with an excess of 600€/vehicle class A, 750€/vehicle class B, 900€/vehicle class C and 2500€/vehicle class D. Said excess can be waived by fulfilment of the conditions specified in Section C and payment of a supplement, or - for vehicle class D – can be reduced to 500€.

  1. Glass, tyre, underbody and clutch damages are covered by the fully comprehensive insurance. Tyre damage in connection with rim damage due to improper driving shall be excluded from the comprehensive insurance and Lessee shall have to pay for the damage and personnel costs. The same applies to lost car keys or car keys no longer working due to water damage. In this case, Lessee shall pay the costs of the new key and personnel costs. If Lessee treats the car grossly negligent or causes an accident with gross negligence (e.g. by not observing stop signs or rights of way, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs), the fully comprehensive insurance shall not provide any coverage in case of damage.

G: Accidents

  1. In case of accidents or damage to the rental vehicle, Lessor is to be informed immediately through the 24h telephone line 0034 619742700 with 5 lost calls and sending a WhatsApp or SMS stating the number plate of the vehicle, its location and a brief description of the problem.

  2. Accidents with personal damage and/or major vehicle damage: Lessee shall call the emergency number 112 (German, English, Spanish). The emergency centre will coordinate the police and ambulance, if necessary, and prepare an accident record, which is to be presented to Lessor.

  3. Accidents with minor bodywork damage after collisions with other vehicles: Lessee fills in the accident report together with the other party to the accident and both parties sign it. The accident report shall be submitted to Lessor. Lessee shall take photographs of the damage to both vehicles with a visible number plate, driving licence, personal ID and insurance slip of the other party and present these to Lessor, also noting the telephone number of the other party.

  4. If Lessee violates these provisions, the fully comprehensive insurance will not provide any coverage and the costs are to be borne by Lessee.

  5. If Lessee causes an accident, it shall bear the towing charges of the vehicle and have no right to a replacement vehicle or reimbursement of the rental fees.

  6. If not responsible for the accident, Lessee shall be entitled to an equivalent replacement vehicle for the remainder of the rental period.

H: Traffic and Parking Tickets

  1. Traffic and parking ticket costs shall be borne by Lessee.

I: Leaving or Parking the Vehicle

  1. When leaving or parking the vehicle, Lessee shall be obliged to lock the vehicle and to remove any valuables. Any break-ins to the vehicle are to be communicated to Lessor. Items stolen from the vehicle will not be replaced.

J: Clean State of the Vehicle

  1. The rental vehicles are non-smoking. Failure to comply with this provision will lead to a cleaning fee of 150€ falling due.

  2. There are plastic bags in the vehicle. If the vehicle should still be soiled by vomiting, a cleaning fee of 150€ will fall due.

K. Place of Jurisdiction

For any and all disputes Majorca shall be the place of jurisdiction.

L: Data Privacy

De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la normativa vigente sobre protección de datos personales y en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016 (GDPR). Los datos personales serán incorporados a los sistemas de tratamiento, cuyo responsable es AUTOS COLONIA S.L. Finalidad del tratamiento: envío de comunicaciones, dar respuesta a las solicitudes y mantenimiento de relaciones comerciales. Conservación: mientras exista un interés mutuo para ello, en función de los plazos legales establecidos. Legitimación: consentimiento del interesado o ejecución de un contrato. Destinatarios: No está previsto realizar cesiones de datos. Transferencias. No está previsto realizar transferencias. Podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión de sus datos, así como los de limitación y oposición a su tratamiento, mediante notificación escrita, en los términos que establece la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos dirigiendo su petición a la dirección postal calle Avda. Marqués de Palmer, Núm. 8, Local 3, 07638, Colonia de Sant Jordi, Illes Balears. Si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente, podrá presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control.

Este mensaje y sus archivos adjuntos van dirigidos exclusivamente a su destinatario, pudiendo contener información confidencial sometida a secreto profesional. No está permitida su comunicación, reproducción o distribución sin la autorización expresa del responsable. Si usted no es el destinatario final, por favor elimínelo e infórmenos por esta vía.